Population dynamics of the whirligig waterbeetle Gyrinus marinus Gyll.

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A complete description of our studies on the population dynamics of Gyrinus marinus Gyll is given below. The study has been started in 1966 and is finished in 1987.
From 1998 on the study is reopened in a modest way.
I will also give actual information about the progress of the actual studies and observations. I'm inviting you to give your contributions to and comments on this study and to the theoretical discussion about population dynamics.
Because the Gyrinus marinus is very suitable for studies on most important kinds of subjects in population dynamics it was possible that this studie could be done by nearly just one person, and with minimal costs. Nevertheless most of the important population dynamic subjects are considered in this study.

I hope that this site will be a good starting point for further discussions on population dynamics.

© Robbert van der Eijk

mail: rvdeyk@kpnmail.nl
 tel +31 (0)6 5131 0987
InDat Instituut voor Dataverwerking
Roer 65
9733 AH Groningen
The Netherlands


Original text of the thesis
"Population Dynamics of the Gyrinid beetle Gyrinus marinus Gyll."
abstract of the study     summary of the thesis Population Dynamics of the Gyrinid beetle Gyrinus marinus Gyll.
Dutch summary           Nederlandse samenvatting van het onderzoek (Hfst 1 proefschrift)
theoretical introduction  The theoretical background of this study
reproduction               Data about fertilization, eggproduction, development, tenerals, etc.
survival                        Data about survival rates at diiferent places and on different times
dispersal by flight         Data about flight activity, experiments, exchange rates, survival, etc.
dispersal by swimming  Data about swimming activity and the exchange between (sub)populations
simulations                  What are the concequences of the collected data about the population dynamic variables
discussion                   What are the theoretical implications of what we found

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